How many of you have seen a room photo and thought, “Wow! I LOVE that wallpaper!”. Probably a large majority of you, if not all. The reason is because most wallpaper patterns were designed to catch your eye and define the style of the space. Yes, there are many papers out there that are based on texture and color only, void of an actual pattern, and those are beautiful as well. But, when you are trying to create a focal point, the wallpaper pattern you choose will surely will be one that stands out because that’s the point! I have seen an enormous amount of wallpaper patterns - beautiful, unique, over-the-top, super questionable and yes, ugly. There are bad wallpapers out there guys, so please choose wisely. In contrast to my very first sentence above, how many of you have seen a room photo and thought, “Omg! WHY???”. Uh-huh, those room photos are out there lurking your google and Pinterest searches so don’t be that person we’re talking about. If you’re unsure, send me an email or DM because I’m not promoting bad wallpaper choices over here. I can help!
Ok, getting back to the focal point…see what I did there?! ;) When I was in interior design school, (I’m taking you back over a decade, btw) we learned about the fundamental principles of design: Balance, Scale & Proportion, Rhythm & Repetition, Contrast, Details, Emphasis & Focus. It’s funny that when professional designers are working on a project, we don’t even realize that we are implementing each of those principles because it just comes naturally. It’s definitely not a checklist that we carry with us because honestly - when you hire a professional interior designer, we have that inherent and in part, trained eye that can create a space using each of those principles, making the room feel complete, interesting, and a beautiful “designer space”. Another reason to hire a professional! Today, let’s chat about creating a focal point with wallpaper. To give emphasis and focus to something means you are giving it particular importance, value or prominence. In interior design, it’s about giving importance to a particular area or object. It’s about creating a focal point within the space. Below are a few different ways to achieve this in your own home.
Focal Point #1 - Crib or Bed Wall.
The idea here is that you are drawing attention to and emphasizing one main wall. And in any bedroom or nursery, that wall is 99.9% of the time, the crib or bed wall. The examples below show how your eye is drawn in like a magnet due to the contrast, repetition, large scale, color and/or pattern. One of THE most widely used ways of using wallpaper in a bedroom.
Focal Point #2 - Pattern With Whimsy On All Walls.
A focal point doesn’t mean you have to limit to one specific wall. You can make all walls your focus if the pattern or color is bold enough that it’s all you’re seeing even when you are looking at other elements in the space. Definitely a bold move and a commitment. Remember, you don’t want to choose something that you’ll tire of quickly because you’ll be surrounded by it. It isn’t difficult to figure out what you’re looking at in here. What is the focus? LEMONS. Where are they? EVERYWHERE! Are we a little jealous of this little girl? UMM YEAH a little!

Focal Point #3 - Give Your Ceiling Some Attention.
The ceiling may not be the first place you’d think to add such a cool design element but take a look below at how it can enlarge the space! Instead of a plain white ceiling, your eye is drawn up and the size of the room is emphasized because you are literally looking from end to end, front to back, in awe as if you were in Rome, walking through the Sistine Chapel staring up at a Michelangelo work of art. Ok, maybe not THAT awesome, but pretty darn cool for your own little at-home masterpiece.
Focal Point #4 - Create A Dedicated Nook/Reading Space.
Define your reading nook or reading corner by adding a special pattern that will make you want to sit and read a while. This Ark pattern by Andrew Martin is one of my all-time favorite wallpaper patterns for a nursery or kids room. I seriously don’t think this will ever get old. It’s a solid choice every single time.
Focal Point #5 - Make Large-Scale Art.
This is a great way to add a wallpaper pattern without committing to an entire wall or entire room. One option is to apply the wallpaper directly to the wall like normal and add a molding or trim piece around it. And the other is to have the paper framed by a framer or if you're crafty you can DIY. The great thing about this option is that if you decide to change things up down the road or want to use the art in another room, you can take it off the wall and hang it somewhere else! The room design by Marie Flanigan is STUNNING! I thought I’d save the best for last.